Katie Lee Photography » A natural light photographer, specializing in weddings and lifestyle sessions.



When your brother works with the amish for two summers & has inside connections, you go out for a sunrise session & receive homemade cinnamon rolls, too!! My brother + sister-in-law, Peyton, were home in July & every time John comes home, he makes a point to go visit his Amish buds. Peyton + I went with him the first day to their work site, and all of them came flooded from their jobs to greet him. It was so neat to watch them get so excited to see their “Johnnnnny”!

All three of us have such a fascination with the Amish lifestyle. Call us weird, but they posess so many admirable characteristics. Family is highly prioritize, their work ethic is incomparable, the food is to die for & natural, and their priorities are not distracted by materialistic things. John said there was never a dull moment in their work day. They had so much fun, but they definitely know how to work. If only we could go back to some life principles, perhaps the world would be a better place. Does that sentence make me sound old or what?!?! We arrived at their house by 6:30 a.m. & he had already been up for THREE HOURS doing chores!! WHAT?! He was up at 3:30 a.m. that morning & already had breakfast by the time we got there. We have nothing to complain about…

Now on to John + Peyton… Peyton grew up riding horses &  she asked them during our first visit if they could come out at sunrise. They were happy to do whatever & the session below follows… Obviously I enjoyed the sunrise and working with my glowing light. Enjoy their love for one another, the amish, and horses!!



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