Katie Lee Photography » A natural light photographer, specializing in weddings and lifestyle sessions.


This was definitely a ‘first’ for me and the business. I had not been asked to photograph an engagement at the State Fair, but I am SO HAPPY we did. I met Michael + Haley at a wedding I photographed in May. I had snapped an ADORABLE picture of them dancing & I went up to them afterwards, showing them the picture and how stinking cute they were. At this point, I honestly did not know them or know they were even engaged. Haley, responded, “By the way, I want to talk to you about wedding photography. We are engaged !!” I had one of my marketing pamphlets in my camera bag so I ran over and gave her that to get a quick look at my work and basic information. Later, she contacted me and  we ended up meeting at good ol’ Starbucks to chat some more.

We had a great visit over Starbucks & she ended up booking for the wedding right then and there. During our time together, she shared with me her idea of this engagement session taking place at the fair, but would also be opened to anything. I thought, WHY NOT?! She said they love the fair/circus, and BRIGHT colors. Well, that’s exactly what she got for this session. Loved how so many of these turned out & I am so excited to work with them on their Wedding day!!

I do need to tell a quick story about our session at the fair. We rode the Ferris wheel for some pictures & continued shooting for about another hour. My camera card became full so I had to switch it out only to realize I couldn’t find my little black case that I keep them in. I remembered having them in my pocket at one point, but had no Idea when I may have lost it. I tried not to show my panic, stay calm, and retrace my steps. Immediately, I knew I wouldn’t find this black case on my own account. There was NO WAY. We are at the state fair, it’s dusk, and it could literally be ANYWHERE in the ride section. Some may think that was a pessimistic point of view, but I’m a realist, and let’s just be honest, I would not find it on my own. Instantly, I began asking God to show me a sign of his goodness. I know He’s real and alive so I knew the line, “I’ll believe in you if you return his case to me” would not be relevant. Even if I never find this case, I know God is still loving and merciful. We walked and walked & I continued to just ask God over and over again to show me a sign of his goodness. It was getting darker so I had to make a decision that we needed to continue on with the session because we were looking a lot of light. As we continued on, a random girl ran up to Michael & asked him if he was looking for a black case & if so, it may be over there (she points in the direction). Within seconds, the girl is just gone & runs away. Bless Michael’s heart, he sprints over in that direction & he brings it over to me asking, “Is this what you are looking for?!” YESSSSSSS!!!! That’s exactly what I am looking for!!! Thank YOU, Lord!!! That was not a coincidence at all & that girl was literally a little angel of a messenger. The next morning during my devotion time, I literally turned to Psalm 86:17 & it read, “Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me.” <— That my friends, is a God who cares about even the smallest things in my life! Just had to share that little story because it was 100% a God thing!

Enjoy their session!


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