My poor blog has not been tended to as I have hoped, but I’m trying to incorporate things that my fans, friends & family can relate to, as well as pretty pictures. I’m brainstorming some ideas, but hopefully they will also allow you to get to know me aside from ‘the girl behind the camera’.
Several people who know me, know how passionate I am about Community Living & Table Life and how it is designed to fulfill the appetite of one’s soul. To me, that topic is so deep & some of you may have no idea what I’m even talking about, but that’s okay! I’ve read several books on the topic & if you are interested, check out Bread & Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table by Shauna Niequist and Table Life: Savoring the Hospitality of Jesus in Your Home by Joanna Thompson. I’m currently reading Life in Community by Dustin Willis. They are great reads & emphasize the importance of sitting down at the sacred table to share life with friends and family despite our busyness. Today, we have allowed our schedules to consume our time, and we rely on the drive thru of fast food to feed our body, but neglect our souls. I truly believe God designed the table for us to come & sit, among others, to say, “I need YOU, not I need food.”
I love the kitchen, but I usually love the process of cooking more than I love the outcome. Many of you who follow me, see my food posts & ask for the recipe. I’ve been trying to think of a ‘cute blog title’ for sharing recipes because the “Wake & Bake Wednesdays” had to go. You can only imagine what followers I attracted on Instagram with the #wakeandbake ! Oops! It finally hit me though, I’m passionate about Table Life & Thursdays start with a “T” so why not?!
So I present to you the first recipe for Table Life Thursdays, Mary Jane’s Sweet Rolls !!! She has been so gracious to take the time to teach me her ways. We have had the recipe & made them before, but they were missing Mary Jane’s “touch”. Mom + I spent a baking day(s) with her & here’s the result. She is an amazing teacher, but even better soul. I told her so many people have asked for the recipe + and she told me to share it. She received it from a friend herself so if you want to take the time to make them, here’s your chance. I’ll warn you, it’s a process, especially if you are use to popping open the Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and placing them on a pan to bake. Thank you, Mary Jane!!

1) 1c mashed potatoes
2) 1.5 tsp salt
3) 1 1/4c potato water
4) 1c shortening
5) 1c sugar
6) 1 c scalded milk
4 eggs
*2 pkgs. dry yeast + 1/2 cup warm water, set aside
*Approx. 7 1/2c flour
Your going to add the 6 ingredients together starting with #1 & following the listed order one by one. Then, add eggs Next, the dissolved yeast. You will begin to add the flour (use mixer as long as you can). Add enough flour so you can knead smoothly. Let it set 30 minutes & knead again.
-Refrigerate for 4 hours OR overnight. Then, divide the dough in half.
-Roll the dough out and brush on a layer of melted butter, brown sugar, cinnamon.
-Roll up & cut into 1” slices
– Grease pan, let them rise in the pan for 20 minutes
-Bake 20-25 @350
***You will notice we say Approx. 7.5 cups of flour, you will use much more than that. Once I started mixing the dough with by hand because the mixer had reached it’s limit, you will continue to add flour until it no longer sticks to your hand. Even when you go to roll the dough out, make a mess and lay that flour out. I’m not sure you can use too much flour – okay, maybe you can, but we used a lot.
1 Stick of Butter
1c brown sugar
1/4c milk
Directions: Cook until it comes to a boil, cool for a second
2c powdered sugar
2/3c pecans (if desired)
1/2tsp vanilla
***Spread over rolls quickly before the icing begins to dry. It spreads easiest when rolls are still warm.
Bon Appetit – xoxo