Katie Lee Photography » A natural light photographer, specializing in weddings and lifestyle sessions.

The Villages, Florida

As mentioned in my previous post of the Evans’, I recently traveled to Florida with my friend Heidi for one of the most relaxing trips ever. She asked about 3 weeks before we left if I had vacation time to go to Florida with her. I thought to myself, I ALWAYS have time for Florida, especially when it is below zero in Ohio. We booked our flights & I still did not quite understand the location of where we were going. I would ask her family, where am I going in Florida again & they would tell The Villages. I thought to myself, right, but where in Florida? Again, they would repeat, The Villages. I have never heard of such a place & let me tell you, it sure is unlike any other place I have ever heard of.

The Villages, Florida is actually a retirement community just about an hour or so from Orlando. When I say retirement community, the best way I have found to describe this place is that it is like a college for 55+. Everyone drives their golf carts around & the traffic is expected to allow golf carts onto the roads in certain areas because EVERYONE has one. If you need to run to Walgreens, just hop on the golf cart and go. Need to run to Publix (like our Kroger), take the golf cart. There is also an entire route set up for golf carts with tunnels & all. You could never be bored in The Villages because there are several things going on ALL day. You could go to the recreation centers ( like a college student center) to enjoy your peers company, play games, or enjoy other hobbies. In the evenings they have a live band and dance. They are all so young at heart, it’s AWESOME!! Heidi & I definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. We actually got kicked out of one of the swimming pools because we were not ‘of age’ to be there.

The pool is exactly where you could find us the ENTIRE time. We spent close to 4 hours there everyday & literally soaked up the sun after our daily 3 mile run. One day, Heidi and I decided to venture out on the golf carts & went a good 40 minutes in the wrong direction until we figured out the map. We went out one night for an enjoyable meal and ice cream. Oh, so good!! Sometimes you just need a vacation of absolutely nothing but good company & warm weather.

golf cart tunnels !



Notice all the parking spots are taken by golf cartsPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEPINIMAGEour yummy flatbreads!!


katie lee

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  • Krista - Pretty sure that “Krista Jo” needs to chaperone you and Heidi on your next trip to The Villages! What a gorgeous place! The Evans hold a special place in my heart, they are such great people!ReplyCancel

    • katieleephotography@me.com - Hahahaha, we would have welcomed you with opened arms 😉ReplyCancel

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